There are many talents that people are blessed with that are worthy of great respect and awe. Since I’m a painter, I naturally revere the great masters in the art world, past and present. I dream of one day joining their ranks! But, if I had to choose a talent I secretly wish I possessed, it would be the ability to make people laugh. I had a wonderful comedic role model growing up. I’d watch her everyday after school, witnessing her plotting and planning her next escapade and hilariously pull it off! This woman was the embodiment of the woman I wish to grow up to be. A woman who uses every bit of intelligence that she has, a woman who is willing to do whatever it takes, a woman who is passionate, charming and unassuming, and not concerned about looking silly now and then. She taught me, that with a little creativity you can get what you desire by thinking outside of the box. There could be no worse a curse than to be dull or boring. When you do what you love to do, it shows, and the whole world acknowledges it and loves you for it. I Love Lucy!
Lucille Ball, take a bow!
Back to basics!
Especially in hard economic times like these, people tend to revert back to old- fashioned conservativeness.
I have a very useful culinary skill that saves money at the grocery store. I learned it as a pre-teen, on a cold New England day watching Saturday afternoon PBS. I can buy a whole chicken on sale, take it home, and expertly carve it into separate, recognizable parts. With the cut chicken parts, I can make a wonderfully aromatic Coq Au Vin, and utilize the leftover carcass for tomorrow’s French onion soup! My dogs get the inerts J ! Her straightforwardness was refreshing, she never made you feel to be inferior to her or inadequate by her presentation or instructions. She learned to cook in France choosing to go back to school when she was in her forties. She then tackled an enormous cooking book of delicious recipes to demystify French cooking for the average American housewife, saving thousands from the typical frozen dinner. No small task! The cooking book led her to her own TV cooking show on PBS. This was at a time when most women were complaining about not having opportunities outside of being housewives. On top of all of her culinary accomplishments, she was also a spy for the US government. Not to shabby! When you do what you love, and you do it with passion, you break down the barriers.
Today, I am making a flourless chocolate torte with sauce aux framboise like I do every year for my son’s New Year’s Eve party. Bonne Annee and Bon apetit!
Julia Child, take a bow!
Someone once said that each of us have many “soulmates” that come into our lives, not just one. Some pass by quickly, and some stay for a while. All of them come into our lives for a reason, to teach us a lesson.
“I used to know, this old Scarecrow…”
In 1974 I heard a voice on the radio that captivated me. It resonated in me so deeply, like I had known it forever. I became entranced with the sounds and the lyrics, and shocked me and surprisingly intrigued me with his creative flamboyancy .It was through this discovery that led me to my desire to be an artist. He’s also shown me that hard work, making good choices, the conquering of overindulgences (and their ultimate defeat) pay off. I’ve seen him handle all that life brought to him and rise above it. I’ve also seen commitment to charities and compassion for others. Through the years I’ve seen his passion for his work remain unfailingly strong. He loves his job just as much today as he did 35 (ouch) years ago and ….it shows when he speaks about music and the new upcoming talent he likes to promote. Thank-you dear teacher! Luckily I still have much to learn.
Sir Elton John, I bow to you!
Illustration to follow sometime soon in 2010!
Keep checking back in the coming days/weeks as I will be adding artwork in my portfolio which can be purchased directly from me.
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